recorded in houdini 18

patterns and textures in houdini

The video training includes the hip files

Training level - intermediate


Hello everyone,

Welcome to patterns and textures in houdini. This training will cover all the various maps and textures available in VOPs in Houdini and show you how to generate a variety of effects and textures using those maps. Over the course of this training we will look at all the 2d patterns, noise maps, uv mapping, distorting noise maps and uv maps and use them to affect geometry, height fields and VDBs.

We will also look at how to create tileable textures in Houdini using periodic noise maps and height fields and then building a final shader using substance painter, alchemist or quixel mixer.

Requirements - Houdini 18.5, substance painter(optional), substance alchemist(optional) and quixel mixer(optional).