recorded in Houdini 18

particles in houdini

total duration - 6 hrs 26 mins

The video training includes the hip files

Training level - intermediate


Welcome to Particles in Houdini.

Over the course of this training series we will look at the basics of the Houdini particle system and also cover a variety of POP nodes to better understand how the Houdini particle system works.

We will also go through a variety of small projects that will combine a variety of POP nodes, smoke simulation, RBDs and various sop level tools to create a range of effects.

One point of note, this training does not cover rendering of particles.

Coming to the question of who this training is for, well, as long as you have a basic knowledge of Houdini you should be able to follow along with this training.

Requirements - Houdini 18

individual parts -

Discount from Apr 1st - Apr 8th 2017

taxes as applicable

credit card and paypal


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Content Details - 8 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


  1. Basics and Atributes - Basics of the Houdini particle system and using attributes for emission

  2. Velocity and Forces - Controlling particles using SOP level velocity and POP forces.

  3. Collisions, POP groups and POP replicate - Learning how to setup particle collisions using static solver and pop nodes and setting up groups and pop replication

  4. Rainfall system - Building a basic rainfall system by using everything that we’ve learnt so far and the POP Interact node

  5. Shields and Shockwaves - Setting up basics particle based shields and shaped shield using particle groups , collisions and SOP level tools.

  6. Voronoi Shield - Building and activating a polygonal shield using a particle system.

  7. Stylised rainfall - Using some simple SOP level tools like ADD and TRAIL to customise the look of the rainfall system

  8. Rainfall based Growth - Looking at how to use particles, SOP solver and POP groups to grow objects and and offset animation.

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Content Details -  9 Video Chapters (with Audio)

lesson plan


  1. POP goals - Setting up simple goals using the POP Attract node

  2. School of Fishes - Making a simple school of fishes using the POP attract , POP interact and CHOPS.

  3. Two forces and a Function - Learning how to use the POP axis force, POP curve force and the MINPOS function.

  4. Volume Velocities - Building a basic volume field based on a simple tree and moving the particles based on the velocities generated

  5. Portal - Building a smoke based portal using custom velocities and gas curve force and then advecting particles based on the simulation

  6. Particle rivers - Using the flowfields generated by the heightfields to make particles flow along the terrain

  7. Particle Clouds - Build planetary clouds using POP force, POP Axis Force and VDB tools

  8. RBD and POP Forces - Learning how to drive RBD sims using POP forces

  9. Particles and Audio - Driving a particle system using audio and CHOPS