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Code - “thirty”

Recorded in Houdini 19.5


character design in houdini

total duration - 6 hrs 25 mins

The video training includes the hip files

Training level - intermediate


welcome to character design in Houdini.

The purpose of this training is to take a base human model from Daz and then build a detailed character in Houdini. We will add clothing using vellum , model jewelry and build a full hairstyle and eyebrows in Houdini. In the end we will make shaders using materialX and light and render the model in Solaris using Karma XPU.

Requirements - Houdini 19.5 , Daz3d(optional) , Substance Painter (Optional)


Content Details - 23 Video Chapters (with Audio)

Duration - 6 hours 25 minutes

lesson plan



  1. Daz to Houdini - Import the character model from Daz into Houdini via FBX and setup a highres version using point deform.

  2. Shirt - Start modeling the clothing for the character

  3. Shirt Cloth - Add cloth to the lower half of the shirt using vellum

  4. Gloves - Model gloves using the vellum brush

  5. Shoulder Pads - Make shoulder pads and add details using images, Trace SOP and VDB

  6. Cape - Add a cape to the character using vellum

  7. Shirt Pattern - Adding ornate designs to the shirt using Particles

  8. Cloth Pattern - Adding designs to the lower cloth using particles and attaching it to the simulation via a UV deformer

  9. Pant Pattern - Making a design on the pant via shortest path and VDB

  10. Belt - Modeling and detailing belt for the character

  11. Eyebrows - Making eyebrows using hair generate and painted attributes

  12. Long Hair - Making the character’s hairstyle via guide groom and hair generate.

  13. Shaved Hair - Build the other half of the character’s hairstyle

  14. Earring - Making a simple earring for the character


  1. Solaris Setup - Setting up groups for material assignment and importing the model into Solaris. Also setting up the basic lighting

  2. Material Setup - Applying Basic materials to all the groups and setting a simple look for the character

  3. SSS setup - Setting up the basic Skin shader

  4. Cloth shaders - Making textures in Substance Sampler and Adding the textures to the various cloth shaders to finalize the look

  5. Wrinkles - Adding wrinkles to the cape using a point vop

  6. Skin Texture - Building the final skin texture in Substance painter and making the final shader in Houdini

  7. Hair Shader - Adding a colored gradient to the hair using attributes

  8. Eye shader - Applying textures to the eyes

  9. Final Thoughts - Looking at AOV setup and color grading in Photoshop