30% off till 1st May

Code - “thirty”

Recorded in Houdini 19.5


flippy murders - season 2

total duration - 7 hrs 20 mins

The video training includes the hip files

Training level - intermediate ( basic working knowledge of vellum , RBD, pyro and FLIP fluids is required)


In this new season we shall use a variety of methods including vellum, RBD, pyro, procedural modeling to find 4 new and innovative ways to kill flippy. We will also use tons and tons of flip to generate lots of blood. 

The training will cover a wide range of topics including, procedural modeling, procedural animation, controlling RBD using guides, pyro simulations, Vellum grains and soft bodies, Flip simulations and particle simulations.

code- friday (30% off)

Kill 1 - Smash

Duration - 69 minutes

  1. Guide anim -  Basc animation to drive the RBD sim

  2. Voronoi fracture setup - Controlling the fracturing using point scatter

  3. RBD sim - Using Guide geometry to control the RBD simulation

  4. Flippy FLIP setup - Setting up Flippy for the flip simulation

  5. FLIP sim - Using the RBD sim as collision to drive the FLIP sim

  6. Bleeding rocks FLIP sim - Emitting blood from the rock cracks

  7. Final result - combining all the elements to generate the final result

Kill 2 - Slice

Duration - 126 minutes

  1. Skeleton model - Modeling Flippy’s skeleton

  2. Kinefx rig - Rigging the skeleton

  3. Skeleton proxy model for vellum - Modeling a proxy mesh for tetrahedral softbody

  4. Combine Vellum sim and kinefx - Using the Vellum sim to control the Kinefx rig

  5. Skeleton boolean geo - Making a custom geo to boolean Flippy

  6. Cutting Flippy into pieces - Making the custom pieces to drive the vellum sim

  7. Flippy carve anim 

  8. Basic Flippy vellum setup - Setting up the basic vellum sim

  9. Flippy final vellum setup - Breaking vellum constraints using custom attributes 

  10. Flippy and skeleton combined sim - Combining both vellum sims to get the final result

  11. Transfer sim data to final geo

  12. Blood sim setup 

  13. Final Result - Combining all the elements to see the final result

Kill 3 - Alien Attack

Duration - 111 minutes

  1. facehugger model and vellum setup - Modeling the Facehugger

  2. Facehugger attack vellum sim - Building a DOP level vellum setup for the alien attack

  3. Alien model -  Modeling the Flippy Alien

  4. Alien attack Vellum setup - Setting up the geo required for the Vellum sim

  5. Alien attack Vellum sim -  Building the vellum sim to explode Flippy

  6. Alien attack FLIP setup - Setting up the skin and collision geo for the FLIP sim

  7. Alien attack FLIP sim -  Making the blood explosion

  8. Alien attack final result - Combining all the elements to see the final result

Kill 4 - Roast Flippy

Duration - 134 minutes

  1. Sword model and animation - Modeling, animating and creating sword and trails

  2. Spike animation - Creating the spike attack using path deform

  3. Vellum setup - Making the basic vellum setup

  4. Vellum sim - Using the spikes and particle forces to drive the Vellum sim to kill Flippy 

  5. Pyro sim - Setting Flippy’s dead body on fire

  6. Particle setup - Using the Flippy grains to build particle sim

  7. Blood Spiral sim - Making a spiral particle sim using curve force

  8. Particle advect sim - Using the pyro sim to drive the particles

  9. Roast Flippy model - Converting Flippy into a roast chicken

  10. Roast Flippy vellum sim - Making Roast flippy drop using Vellum softbody

  11. Roast Flippy steam setup and final result